Sep 6, 2020
Schneller, weiter, höher – geht das mit Multitasking? Und wenn ja wie? Eines ist das „viel auf einmal tun“ auf jeden Fall – anstrengend und es verbraucht ziemlich viel und zu schnell die Energie unseres bewussten Denkapparates. Was ist der richtige Weg zum Ziel? Welche Strategie funktioniert?
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Ich gebe in meinem Podcast und meinen Mentoring-Programmen Wissen und Tools aus der modernen Neuroscience weiter, damit Weiterentwicklung in diesen besonderen Zeiten gelingt. Weitere Informationen und meine Angebote findest du auf meiner Website:
MAGIC BRAIN KICKS - Happiness and success are no coincidence, but the right use of brain power. The podcast of Dr. Maria Hoffacker - biologist, theologian, educator. In this podcast I will show you how you can really use the infinite potential of your brain, your biological supercomputer. You can expect inspiration and practical applications from modern brain research for your personal success. We talk about how to properly feed your head, heart and stomach so that they become your inner power team with which you can achieve everything. At a time when everything is being digitized and artificial intelligence seems to be taking over everything from us, you will find out how superior your own human brain apartment is when you know how to control it properly. In the weekly podcast episodes you will find specific tools, expert interviews and many experience stories from my own life as a marine biologist, environmental manager, science editor and lecturer More Information: Here you can choose an appontment for a free first coaching: